期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Aug (26)
2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. findPC: An R package to automatically select the number of principal components in single-cell analysis.
2022 Apr 8
Zhuang H, Wang H, Ji Z.
2. TPpred-ATMV: Therapeutic peptides prediction by adaptive multi-view tensor learning model.
2022 Apr 7
Yan K, Lv H, Guo Y
3. Relational graph convolutional networks for predicting blood-brain barrier penetration of drug molecules.
2022 Apr 7
Ding Y, Jiang X, Kim Y.
4. BIODICA: a computational environment for Independent Component Analysis of omics data.
2022 Apr 6
Captier N, Merlevede J, Molkenov A
5. Airpart: Interpretable statistical models for analyzing allelic imbalance in single-cell datasets.
2022 Apr 6
Mu W, Sarkar H, Srivastava A
6. Design and application of a knowledge network for automatic prioritization of drug mechanisms.
2022 Apr 6
Mayers M, Tu R, Steinecke D
7. AMIGOS III: Pseudo-torsion angle visualization and motif-based structure comparison of nucleic acids.
2022 Apr 6
Shine M, Zhang C, Pyle AM.
8. Overcoming biases in causal inference of molecular interactions.
2022 Apr 6
Kumar S, Song M.
9. SASpector: analysis of missing genomic regions in draft genomes of prokaryotes.
2022 Apr 6
Lood C, Correa Rojo A, Sinar D
10. Impact of protein conformational diversity on AlphaFold predictions.
2022 Apr 5
Saldaño T, Escobedo N, Marchetti J
11. Evitar: designing anti-viral RNA therapies against future RNA viruses.
2022 Apr 28
Zhang D, Tian J, Wang Y
12. CellWalkR: an R package for integrating and visualizing single-cell and bulk data to resolve regulatory elements.
2022 Apr 28
Przytycki PF, Pollard KS.
13. BridgeDPI: a novel Graph Neural Network for predicting drug-protein interactions.
2022 Apr 28
Wu Y, Gao M, Zeng M
14. Heterogeneous graph embedding model for predicting interactions between TF and target gene.
2022 Apr 28
Huang YA, Pan GQ, Wang J
15. Modeling multi-scale data via a network of networks.
2022 Apr 28
Gu S, Jiang M, Guzzi PH
16. CobraMod: a pathway-centric curation tool for constraint-based metabolic models.
2022 Apr 28
Camborda S, Weder JN, Töpfer N.
17. TSAFinder: exhaustive tumor-specific antigen detection with RNAseq.
2022 Apr 28
Sharpnack MF, Johnson TS, Chalkley R
18. Single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis based on non-uniform ε-neighborhood network.
2022 Apr 28
Jia J, Chen L.
19. YeastMate: neural network-assisted segmentation of mating and budding events in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
2022 Apr 28
Bunk D, Moriasy J, Thoma F
20. PANPROVA: pangenomic prokaryotic evolution of full assemblies.
2022 Apr 28
Bonnici V, Giugno R.
21. Variomes: a high recall search engine to support the curation of genomic variants.
2022 Apr 28
Pasche E, Mottaz A, Caucheteur D
22. NewWave: a scalable R/Bioconductor package for the dimensionality reduction and batch effect removal of single-cell RNA-seq data.
2022 Apr 28
Agostinis F, Romualdi C, Sales G
23. scGate: marker-based purification of cell types from heterogeneous single-cell RNA-seq datasets.
2022 Apr 28
Andreatta M, Berenstein AJ, Carmona SJ.
24. SomaticSiMu: a mutational signature simulator.
2022 Apr 28
Chen D, Randhawa GS, Soltysiak MPM
25. JIND: joint integration and discrimination for automated single-cell annotation.
2022 Apr 28
Goyal M, Serrano G, Argemi J
26. An ensemble approach to predict binding hotspots in protein-RNA interactions based on SMOTE data balancing and Random Grouping feature selection strategies.
2022 Apr 28
Zhou T, Rong J, Liu Y
27. Supervised capacity preserving mapping: a clustering guided visualization method for scRNA-seq data.
2022 Apr 28
Zhai Z, Lei YL, Wang R
28. Phitest for analyzing the homogeneity of single-cell populations.
2022 Apr 28
Li WV.
29. MultiBaC: an R package to remove batch effects in multi-omic experiments.
2022 Apr 28
Ugidos M, Nueda MJ, Prats-Montalbán JM
30. A statistical framework for recovering pseudo-dynamic networks from static data.
2022 Apr 28
Chen C, Shen B, Ma T
31. Multi-scale deep learning for the imbalanced multi-label protein subcellular localization prediction based on immunohistochemistry images.
2022 Apr 28
Wang F, Wei L.
32. monaLisa: an R/Bioconductor package for identifying regulatory motifs.
2022 Apr 28
Machlab D, Burger L, Soneson C
33. SEPA: signaling entropy-based algorithm to evaluate personalized pathway activation for survival analysis on pan-cancer data.
2022 Apr 28
Li X, Li M, Xiang J
34. localpdb-a Python package to manage protein structures and their annotations.
2022 Apr 28
Ludwiczak J, Winski A, Dunin-Horkawicz S.
35. Topological approximate Bayesian computation for parameter inference of an angiogenesis model.
2022 Apr 28
Thorne T, Kirk PDW, Harrington HA.
36. seqgra: principled selection of neural network architectures for genomics prediction tasks.
2022 Apr 28
Krismer K, Hammelman J, Gifford DK.
37. ASES: visualizing evolutionary conservation of alternative splicing in proteins.
2022 Apr 28
Zea DJ, Richard H, Laine E.
38. High-performance single-cell gene regulatory network inference at scale: the Inferelator 3.0.
2022 Apr 28
Skok Gibbs C, Jackson CA, Saldi GA
39. µProteInS-a proteogenomics pipeline for finding novel bacterial microproteins encoded by small ORFs.
2022 Apr 28
de Souza EV, Dalberto PF, Machado VP
40. HFBSurv: hierarchical multimodal fusion with factorized bilinear models for cancer survival prediction.
2022 Apr 28
Li R, Wu X, Li A
41. RevUP: an online scoring system for regulatory variants implicated in rare diseases.
2022 Apr 28
Correard S, Hewitson B, van der Lee R
42. DeepREAL: a deep learning powered multi-scale modeling framework for predicting out-of-distribution ligand-induced GPCR activity.
2022 Apr 28
Cai T, Abbu KA, Liu Y
43. HiCARN: resolution enhancement of Hi-C data using cascading residual networks.
2022 Apr 28
Hicks P, Oluwadare O.
44. PathwAX II: network-based pathway analysis with interactive visualization of network crosstalk.
2022 Apr 28
Ogris C, Castresana-Aguirre M, Sonnhammer ELL.
45. GraphGONet: a self-explaining neural network encapsulating the Gene Ontology graph for phenotype prediction on gene expression.
2022 Apr 28
Bourgeais V, Zehraoui F, Hanczar B.
46. BWA-MEME: BWA-MEM emulated with a machine learning approach.
2022 Apr 28
Jung Y, Han D.
47. Transgene-design: a web application for the design of mammalian transgenes.
2022 Apr 28
Mühlhausen S, Hurst LD.
48. COVID-19 Spread Mapper: a multi-resolution, unified framework and open-source tool.
2022 Apr 28
Shi A, Gaynor SM, Dey R
49. fastISM: performant in silico saturation mutagenesis for convolutional neural networks.
2022 Apr 28
Nair S, Shrikumar A, Schreiber J
50. To rarefy or not to rarefy: robustness and efficiency trade-offs of rarefying microbiome data.
2022 Apr 28
Hong J, Karaoz U, de Valpine P
51. BamToCov: an efficient toolkit for sequence coverage calculations.
2022 Apr 28
Birolo G, Telatin A.
52. StAmP-DB: a platform for structures of polymorphic amyloid fibril cores.
2022 Apr 28
Louros N, van der Kant R, Schymkowitz J
53. VisuStatR-Visualizing Motility and Morphology Statistics on Images in R.
2022 Apr 21
Harmel C, Sid Ahmed S, Koch R
54. plotsr: Visualising structural similarities and rearrangements between multiple genomes.
2022 Apr 15
Goel M, Schneeberger K.
55. Boost-RS: Boosted Embeddings for Recommender Systems and its Application to Enzyme-Substrate Interaction Prediction.
2022 Apr 12
Li X, Liu LP, Hassoun S.
56. ACTIVA: realistic single-cell RNA-seq generation with automatic cell-type identification using introspective variational autoencoders.
2022 Apr 12
Heydari AA, Davalos OA, Zhao L
57. Integrated Genome Browser App Store.
2022 Apr 12
Shanbhag S, Patil R, Zahara N
58. NeuCA web server: a neural network-based cell annotation tool with web-app and GUI.
2022 Apr 12
Duan D, He S, Huang E
59. MetaMutationalSigs: comparison of mutational signature refitting results made easy.
2022 Apr 12
Pandey P, Arora S, Rosen GL.
60. Efficient privacy-preserving whole-genome variant queries.
2022 Apr 12
Akgün M, Pfeifer N, Kohlbacher O.
61. blitzGSEA: efficient computation of gene set enrichment analysis through gamma distribution approximation.
2022 Apr 12
Lachmann A, Xie Z, Ma'ayan A.
62. Performance optimization in DNA short-read alignment.
2022 Apr 12
Wilton R, Szalay AS.
63. Federated Random Forests can improve local performance of predictive models for various healthcare applications.
2022 Apr 12
Hauschild AC, Lemanczyk M, Matschinske J
64. ProteinBERT: a universal deep-learning model of protein sequence and function.
2022 Apr 12
Brandes N, Ofer D, Peleg Y
65. Multi-level attention graph neural network based on co-expression gene modules for disease diagnosis and prognosis.
2022 Apr 12
Xing X, Yang F, Li H
66. pyFoldX: enabling biomolecular analysis and engineering along structural ensembles.
2022 Apr 12
Radusky LG, Serrano L.
67. CNGPLD: case-control copy-number analysis using Gaussian process latent difference.
2022 Apr 12
Shih DJH, Li R, Müller P
68. Pre-training graph neural networks for link prediction in biomedical networks.
2022 Apr 12
Long Y, Wu M, Liu Y
69. Optimal transport improves cell-cell similarity inference in single-cell omics data.
2022 Apr 12
Huizing GJ, Peyré G, Cantini L.
70. GMNN2CD: identification of circRNA-disease associations based on variational inference and graph Markov neural networks.
2022 Apr 12
Niu M, Zou Q, Wang C.
71. MOMA: a multi-task attention learning algorithm for multi-omics data interpretation and classification.
2022 Apr 12
Moon S, Lee H.
72. Reconstructing viral haplotypes using long reads.
2022 Apr 12
Cai D, Sun Y.
73. RF-Net 2: fast inference of virus reassortment and hybridization networks.
2022 Apr 12
Markin A, Wagle S, Anderson TK
74. PIPENN: protein interface prediction from sequence with an ensemble of neural nets.
2022 Apr 12
Stringer B, de Ferrante H, Abeln S
75. The DOMINO web-server for active module identification analysis.
2022 Apr 12
Levi H, Rahmanian N, Elkon R
76. UbE3-APA: a bioinformatic strategy to elucidate ubiquitin E3 ligase activities in quantitative proteomics study.
2022 Apr 12
Gong Y, Chen Y.
77. Deep learning identifies and quantifies recombination hotspot determinants.
2022 Apr 12
Li Y, Chen S, Rapakoulia T
78. TRANSDIRE: data-driven direct reprogramming by a pioneer factor-guided trans-omics approach.
2022 Apr 12
Eguchi R, Hamano M, Iwata M
79. MitoVisualize: A resource for analysis of variants in human mitochondrial RNAs and DNA.
2022 Apr 12
Lake NJ, Zhou L, Xu J
80. Fast and accurate gene regulatory network inference by normalized least squares regression.
2022 Apr 12
Hillerton T, Seçilmiş D, Nelander S
81. Effective knowledge graph embeddings based on multidirectional semantics relations for polypharmacy side effects prediction.
2022 Apr 12
Yao J, Sun W, Jian Z
82. mzMD: visualization-oriented MS data storage and retrieval.
2022 Apr 12
Yang R, Ma J, Zhang S
83. riboviz 2: a flexible and robust ribosome profiling data analysis and visualization workflow.
2022 Apr 12
Cope AL, Anderson F, Favate J
84. Effectidor: an automated machine-learning-based web server for the prediction of type-III secretion system effectors.
2022 Apr 12
Wagner N, Avram O, Gold-Binshtok D
85. HIV-1 drug resistance profiling using amino acid sequence space cartography.
2022 Apr 12
Pikalyova K, Orlov A, Lin A
86. Cox regression is robust to inaccurate EHR-extracted event time: an application to EHR-based GWAS.
2022 Apr 12
Irlmeier R, Hughey JJ, Bastarache L
87. PDMDA: predicting deep-level miRNA-disease associations with graph neural networks and sequence features.
2022 Apr 12
Yan C, Duan G, Li N
88. PST-PRNA: prediction of RNA-binding sites using protein surface topography and deep learning.
2022 Apr 12
Li P, Liu ZP.
89. A reinforcement learning framework for pooled oligonucleotide design.
2022 Apr 12
David BM, Wyllie RM, Harouaka R
90. LinkExplorer: predicting, explaining and exploring links in large biomedical knowledge graphs.
2022 Apr 12
Ott S, Barbosa-Silva A, Samwald M.
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