期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Aug (26)
2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. Reactome and the Gene Ontology: Digital convergence of data resources.
2021 May 8
Good BM, Van Auken K, Hill DP
2. TieBrush: an efficient method for aggregating and summarizing mapped reads across large datasets.
2021 May 8
Varabyou A, Pertea G, Pockrandt C
3. iCircDA-LTR: identification of circRNA-disease associations based on Learning to Rank.
2021 May 8
Wei H, Xu Y, Liu B.
4. ptm: an R package for the study of methionine sulfoxidation and other post-translational modifications.
2021 May 8
Aledo JC.
5. SKSV: ultrafast structural variation detection from circular consensus sequencing reads.
2021 May 8
Liu Y, Jiang T, Su J
6. VisuaLife: Library for interactive visualization in rich web applications.
2021 May 7
Kryś JD, Gront D.
7. GEInter: an R package for robust gene-environment interaction analysis.
2021 May 7
Wu M, Qin X, Ma S.
8. Study of Real-Valued Distance Prediction for Protein Structure Prediction with Deep Learning.
2021 May 7
Li J, Xu J.
9. IntAct App: a Cytoscape application for molecular interaction network visualisation and analysis.
2021 May 7
Ragueneau E, Shrivastava A, Morris JH
10. Improving deep learning-based protein distance prediction in CASP14.
2021 May 7
Guo Z, Wu T, Liu J
11. Unpaired data empowers association tests.
2021 May 5
Gong M, Liu P, Sciurba FC
12. MolTrans: Molecular Interaction Transformer for drug-target interaction prediction.
2021 May 5
Huang K, Xiao C, Glass LM
13. A novel estimator of the interaction matrix in Graphical Gaussian Model of omics data using the entropy of non-equilibrium systems.
2021 May 5
Borzou A, Sadygov RG.
14. Accurate and efficient gene function prediction using a multi-bacterial network.
2021 May 5
Law JN, Kale SD, Murali TM.
15. dNEMO: a tool for quantification of mRNA and punctate structures in time-lapse images of single cells.
2021 May 5
Kowalczyk GJ, Cruz JA, Guo Y
16. PredHPI: an integrated web server platform for the detection and visualization of host-pathogen interactions using sequence-based methods.
2021 May 5
Loaiza CD, Kaundal R.
17. Decombinator V4: an improved AIRR compliant-software package for T-cell receptor sequence annotation?
2021 May 5
Peacock T, Heather JM, Ronel T
18. STACAS: Sub-Type Anchor Correction for Alignment in Seurat to integrate single-cell RNA-seq data.
2021 May 5
Andreatta M, Carmona SJ.
19. RabbitMash: accelerating hash-based genome analysis on modern multi-core architectures.
2021 May 5
Yin Z, Xu X, Zhang J
20. SOLQC: Synthetic Oligo Library Quality Control tool.
2021 May 5
Sabary O, Orlev Y, Shafir R
21. TRTools: a toolkit for genome-wide analysis of tandem repeats.
2021 May 5
Mousavi N, Margoliash J, Pusarla N
22. MCPeSe: Monte Carlo penalty selection for graphical lasso.
2021 May 5
Kuismin M, Sillanpää MJ.
23. VirPreNet: a weighted ensemble convolutional neural network for the virulence prediction of influenza A virus using all eight segments.
2021 May 5
Yin R, Luo Z, Zhuang P
24. Self-supervised feature extraction from image time series in plant phenotyping using triplet networks.
2021 May 5
Marin Zapata PA, Roth S, Schmutzler D
25. Single-cell RNA-seq data semi-supervised clustering and annotation via structural regularized domain adaptation.
2021 May 5
Chen L, He Q, Zhai Y
26. The effect of statistical normalization on network propagation scores.
2021 May 5
Picart-Armada S, Thompson WK, Buil A
27. A pseudotemporal causality approach to identifying miRNA-mRNA interactions during biological processes.
2021 May 5
Cifuentes-Bernal AM, Pham VV, Li X
28. NoPeak: k-mer-based motif discovery in ChIP-Seq data without peak calling.
2021 May 5
Menzel M, Hurka S, Glasenhardt S
29. SAIGEgds-an efficient statistical tool for large-scale PheWAS with mixed models.
2021 May 5
Zheng X, Davis JW.
30. CaNDis: a web server for investigation of causal relationships between diseases, drugs and drug targets.
2021 May 5
Škrlj B, Eržen N, Lavrač N
31. CoV-AbDab: the coronavirus antibody database.
2021 May 5
Raybould MIJ, Kovaltsuk A, Marks C
32. ipDMR: identification of differentially methylated regions with interval P-values.
2021 May 5
Xu Z, Xie C, Taylor JA
33. RobNorm: model-based robust normalization method for labeled quantitative mass spectrometry proteomics data.
2021 May 5
Wang M, Jiang L, Jian R
34. Genetic source completeness of HIV-1 circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) predicted by multi-label learning.
2021 May 5
Tang R, Yu Z, Ma Y
35. QAlign: aligning nanopore reads accurately using current-level modeling.
2021 May 5
Joshi D, Mao S, Kannan S
36. Finding long tandem repeats in long noisy reads.
2021 May 5
Morishita S, Ichikawa K, Myers EW.
37. Automated download and clean-up of family-specific databases for kmer-based virus identification.
2021 May 5
Allesøe RL, Lemvigh CK, Phan MVT
38. Assessing the fit of the multi-species network coalescent to multi-locus data.
2021 May 5
Cai R, Ané C.
39. selectBoost: a general algorithm to enhance the performance of variable selection methods.
2021 May 5
Bertrand F, Aouadi I, Jung N
40. IntAPT: integrated assembly of phenotype-specific transcripts from multiple RNA-seq profiles.
2021 May 5
Shi X, Neuwald AF, Wang X
41. A machine learning-based method for prediction of macrocyclization patterns of polyketides and non-ribosomal peptides.
2021 May 5
Agrawal P, Mohanty D.
42. A systems-biology model of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) interactions with TNF receptor 1 and 2.
2021 May 5
Prada JP, Wangorsch G, Kucka K
43. CONCUR: quick and robust calculation of codon usage from ribosome profiling data.
2021 May 5
Frye M, Bornelöv S.
44. CABEAN: a software for the control of asynchronous Boolean networks.
2021 May 5
Su C, Pang J.
45. SPEARS: Standard Performance Evaluation of Ancestral haplotype Reconstruction through Simulation.
2021 May 5
Manching H, Wisser RJ.
46. MetaFusion: A high-confidence metacaller for filtering and prioritizing RNA-seq gene fusion candidates.
2021 May 3
Apostolides M, Jiang Y, Husić M
47. Oligator: a flexible interface to draw oligosaccharide structures and generate their theoretical tandem mass spectra.
2021 May 29
Lollier V, Fanuel M, Ropartz D
48. A framework to decipher the genetic architecture of combinations of complex diseases: Applications in cardiovascular medicine.
2021 May 29
Yin L, Chau CK, Lin YP
49. scDetect: a rank-based ensemble learning algorithm for cell type identification of single-cell RNA sequencing in cancer.
2021 May 28
Shen Y, Chu Q, Timko MP
50. MorphoScript: a dedicated analysis to assess the morphology and contractile structures of cardiomyocytes derived from stem cells.
2021 May 28
Homan T, Delanoë-Ayari H, Meli AC
51. Structural classification of proteins based on the computationally efficient recurrence quantification analysis and horizontal visibility graphs.
2021 May 28
Zervou MA, Doutsi E, Pavlidis P
52. Identification of evolutionarily stable functional and immunogenic sites across the SARS-CoV-2 proteome and greater coronavirus family.
2021 May 27
Wang C, Konecki DM, Marciano DC
53. Using Interpretable Deep Learning to Model Cancer Dependencies.
2021 May 27
Lin CH, Lichtarge O.
54. SAMF: a Self-adaptive Protein Modeling Framework.
2021 May 27
Ding W, Xu Q, Liu S
55. Peel Learning for Pathway-Related Outcome Prediction.
2021 May 27
Li Y, Wang F, Yan M
56. cfDNApipe: A comprehensive quality control and analysis pipeline for cell-free DNA high-throughput sequencing data.
2021 May 27
Zhang W, Wei L, Huang J
57. Tfcancer: a manually curated database of transcription factors associated with human cancers.
2021 May 26
Huang Q, Tan Z, Li Y
58. TFcancer: a manually curated database of transcription factors associated with human cancer.
2021 May 26
Huang Q, Tan Z, Li Y
59. LevioSAM: Fast lift-over of variant-aware reference alignments.
2021 May 25
Mun T, Chen NC, Langmead B.
60. Hardware Acceleration of Genomics Data Analysis: Challenges and Opportunities.
2021 May 25
Robinson T, Harkin J, Shukla P.
61. CyAnno: A semi-automated approach for cell type annotation of mass cytometry datasets.
2021 May 25
Kaushik A, Dunham D, He Z
62. CLUE: Exact maximal reduction of kinetic models by constrained lumping of differential equations.
2021 May 25
Ovchinnikov A, Pérez Verona I, Pogudin G
63. Deep cross-omics cycle attention model for joint analysis of single-cell multi-omics data.
2021 May 24
Zuo C, Dai H, Chen L.
64. Interfacing Seurat with the R tidy universe.
2021 May 24
Mangiola S, Doyle MA, Papenfuss AT.
65. HiTea: a computational pipeline to identify non-reference transposable element insertions in Hi-C data.
2021 May 23
Jain D, Chu C, Alver BH
66. Finding the fixed points of a Boolean network from a positive feedback vertex set.
2021 May 23
Aracena J, Cabrera-Crot L, Salinas L.
67. GraphDTA: predicting drug-target binding affinity with graph neural networks.
2021 May 23
Nguyen T, Le H, Quinn TP
68. PCAmatchR: a flexible R package for optimal case-control matching using weighted principal components.
2021 May 23
Brown DW, Myers TA, Machiela MJ.
69. reconCNV: interactive visualization of copy number data from high-throughput sequencing.
2021 May 23
Chandramohan R, Kakkar N, Roy A
70. ECMarker: interpretable machine learning model identifies gene expression biomarkers predicting clinical outcomes and reveals molecular mechanisms of human disease in early stages.
2021 May 23
Jin T, Nguyen ND, Talos F
71. The VEGA suite of programs: an versatile platform for cheminformatics and drug design projects.
2021 May 23
Pedretti A, Mazzolari A, Gervasoni S
72. ILoReg: a tool for high-resolution cell population identification from single-cell RNA-seq data.
2021 May 23
Smolander J, Junttila S, Venäläinen MS
73. Measuring reproducibility of virus metagenomics analyses using bootstrap samples from FASTQ-files.
2021 May 23
Saremi B, Kohls M, Liebig P
74. RNA inter-nucleotide 3D closeness prediction by deep residual neural networks.
2021 May 23
Sun S, Wang W, Peng Z
75. CATH functional families predict functional sites in proteins.
2021 May 23
Das S, Scholes HM, Sen N
76. TreeMap: a structured approach to fine mapping of eQTL variants.
2021 May 23
Liu L, Chandrashekar P, Zeng B
77. iEnhancer-XG: interpretable sequence-based enhancers and their strength predictor.
2021 May 23
Cai L, Ren X, Fu X
78. A representation model for biological entities by fusing structured axioms with unstructured texts.
2021 May 23
Lou P, Dong Y, Jimeno Yepes A
79. The qBED track: a novel genome browser visualization for point processes.
2021 May 23
Moudgil A, Li D, Hsu S
80. SARS2020: an integrated platform for identification of novel coronavirus by a consensus sequence-function model.
2021 May 23
Zhang D, Zhang T, Liu S
81. Maximum likelihood reconstruction of ancestral networks by integer linear programming.
2021 May 23
Rajan V, Zhang Z, Kingsford C
82. Complete deconvolution of DNA methylation signals from complex tissues: a geometric approach.
2021 May 23
Zhang W, Wu H, Li Z.
83. LightBBB: computational prediction model of blood-brain-barrier penetration based on LightGBM.
2021 May 23
Shaker B, Yu MS, Song JS
84. Annotating high-impact 5'untranslated region variants with the UTRannotator.
2021 May 23
Zhang X, Wakeling M, Ware J
85. Bistability in cell signalling and its significance in identifying potential drug targets.
2021 May 22
Halder S, Ghosh S, Chattopadhyay J
86. RNAcmap: A Fully Automatic Pipeline for Predicting Contact Maps of RNAs by Evolutionary Coupling Analysis.
2021 May 22
Zhang T, Singh J, Litfin T
87. Super LeArner Prediction of NAb Panels (SLAPNAP): A Contain-erized Tool for Predicting Combination Monoclonal Broadly Neu-tralizing Antibody Sensitivity.
2021 May 22
Williamson BD, Magaret CA, Gilbert PB
88. Robust and efficient single-cell Hi-C clustering with approximate k-nearest neighbor graphs.
2021 May 22
Wolff J, Backofen R, Grüning B.
89. Jutils: A visualization toolkit for differential alternative splicing events.
2021 May 22
Yang G, Cope L, He Z
90. Semi-supervised peak calling with SPAN and JBR Genome Browser.
2021 May 21
Shpynov O, Dievskii A, Chernyatchik R
91. Towards an automatic analysis of CHO-K1 suspension growth in microfluidic single-cell cultivation.
2021 May 21
Stallmann D, Göpfert JP, Schmitz J
92. Autoencoder-based Drug-Target Interaction Prediction by Preserving the Consistency of Chemical Properties and Functions of Drugs.
2021 May 21
Sun C, Cao Y, Wei JM
93. ExTraMapper: Exon- and Transcript-level mappings for orthologous gene pairs.
2021 May 20
Chakraborty A, Ay F, Davuluri RV.
94. 3DBionotes COVID-19 Edition.
2021 May 20
Macias JR, Sanchez-Garcia R, Conesa P
95. HEAL: an automated deep learning framework for cancer histopathology image analysis.
2021 May 19
Wang Y, Coudray N, Zhao Y
96. UMI4Cats: an R package to analyze chromatin contact profiles obtained by UMI-4C.
2021 May 19
Ramos-Rodríguez M, Subirana-Granés M, Pasquali L.
97. powerEQTL: An R package and shiny application for sample size and power calculation of bulk tissue and single-cell eQTL analysis.
2021 May 19
Dong X, Li X, Chang TW
98. Family Rank: A graphical domain knowledge informed feature ranking algorithm.
2021 May 19
Saul M, Dinu V.
99. Finding metabolic pathways in large networks through atom-conserving substrate-product pairs.
2021 May 18
Hafner J, Hatzimanikatis V.
100. SMI-BLAST: a novel supervised search framework based on PSI-BLAST for protein remote homology detection.
2021 May 17
Jin X, Liao Q, Wei H
101. OGRE: Overlap Graph-based metagenomic Read clustEring.
2021 May 17
Balvert M, Luo X, Hauptfeld E
102. DataRemix: a universal data transformation for optimal inference from gene expression datasets.
2021 May 17
Mao W, Rahimikollu J, Hausler R
103. CLoNe: automated clustering based on local density neighborhoods for application to biomolecular structural ensembles.
2021 May 17
Träger S, Tamò G, Aydin D
104. TUGDA: task uncertainty guided domain adaptation for robust generalization of cancer drug response prediction from in vitro to in vivo settings.
2021 May 17
Peres da Silva R, Suphavilai C, Nagarajan N.
105. FBA: feature barcoding analysis for single cell RNA-Seq.
2021 May 17
Duan J, Hon G.
106. Knockoff boosted tree for model-free variable selection.
2021 May 17
Jiang T, Li Y, Motsinger-Reif AA.
107. Identifying signaling genes in spatial single-cell expression data.
2021 May 17
Li D, Ding J, Bar-Joseph Z.
108. CSynth: an interactive modelling and visualization tool for 3D chromatin structure.
2021 May 17
Todd S, Todd P, McGowan SJ
109. CARE: context-aware sequencing read error correction.
2021 May 17
Kallenborn F, Hildebrandt A, Schmidt B.
110. Structural basis of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induced by ACE2.
2021 May 17
Meirson T, Bomze D, Markel G.
111. A public website for the automated assessment and validation of SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic PCR assays.
2021 May 17
Li PE, Myers Y Gutiérrez A, Davenport K
112. SOAPMetaS: profiling large metagenome datasets efficiently on distributed clusters.
2021 May 17
He S, Huang Z, Wang X
113. MotifGenie: A Python Application for Searching Transcription Factor Binding Sequences Using ChIP-Seq Datasets.
2021 May 17
Oguztuzun C, Yasar P, Yavuz K
114. Characterizing therapeutic signatures of transcription factors in cancer by incorporating profiles in compound treated cells.
2021 May 17
Jung J.
115. A database of flavivirus RNA structures with a search algorithm for pseudoknots and triple base interactions.
2021 May 17
Zammit A, Helwerda L, Olsthoorn RCL
116. DELPHI: accurate deep ensemble model for protein interaction sites prediction.
2021 May 17
Li Y, Golding GB, Ilie L.
117. LongAGE: defining breakpoints of genomic structural variants through optimal and memory efficient alignments of long reads.
2021 May 17
Tran Q, Abyzov A.
118. VRmol: an integrative web-based virtual reality system to explore macromolecular structure.
2021 May 17
Xu K, Liu N, Xu J
119. PyRice: a Python package for querying Oryza sativa databases.
2021 May 17
Do Q, Bich Hai H, Larmande P.
120. PoSeiDon: a Nextflow pipeline for the detection of evolutionary recombination events and positive selection.
2021 May 17
Hölzer M, Marz M.
121. TimiRGeN: R/Bioconductor package for time series microRNA-mRNA integration and analysis.
2021 May 16
Patel K, Chandrasegaran S, Clark IM
122. Target-Decoy MineR for determining the biological relevance of variables in noisy data sets.
2021 May 16
Ovando-Vázquez C, Cázarez-García D, Winkler R.
123. Rapid T cell receptor interaction grouping with ting.
2021 May 13
Mölder F, Stervbo U, Loyal L
124. Evaluation of Categorical Matrix Completion Algorithms: Towards Improved Active Learning for Drug Discovery.
2021 May 13
Sun H, Murphy RF.
125. In-silico prediction of in-vitro protein liquid-liquid phase separation experiments outcomes with multi-head neural attention.
2021 May 13
Raimondi D, Orlando G, Michiels E
126. Comparison of structural variants detected by optical mapping with long-read next-generation sequencing.
2021 May 13
Savara J, Novosád T, Gajdoš P
127. DetectIS: a pipeline to rapidly detect exogenous DNA integration sites using DNA or RNA paired-end sequencing data.
2021 May 12
Grassi L, Harris C, Zhu J
128. Clustering FunFams using sequence embeddings improves EC purity.
2021 May 12
Littmann M, Bordin N, Heinzinger M
129. ProteoMill: Efficient network-based functional analysis portal for proteomics data.
2021 May 12
Rydén M, Englund M, Ali N.
130. Bayesian neural network with pretrained protein embedding enhances prediction accuracy of drug-protein interaction.
2021 May 12
Kim Q, Ko JH, Kim S
131. Full-length de novo protein structure determination from cryo-EM maps using deep learning.
2021 May 12
He J, Huang SY.
132. Assessment of significance of conditionally independent GWAS signals.
2021 May 12
Ghasemi S, Teumer A, Wuttke M
133. Inferring the experimental design for accurate gene regulatory network inference.
2021 May 12
Seçilmiş D, Hillerton T, Nelander S
134. SeRenDIP-CE: Sequence-based Interface Prediction for Conformational Epitopes.
2021 May 11
Hou Q, Stringer B, Waury K
135. Multimodal regularised linear models with flux balance analysis for mechanistic integration of omics data.
2021 May 11
Magazzù G, Zampieri G, Angione C.
136. NeuralPolish: a novel Nanopore polishing method based on alignment matrix construction and orthogonal Bi-GRU Networks.
2021 May 11
Huang N, Nie F, Ni P
137. Feature-weighted Ordinal Classification for Predicting Drug Response in Multiple Myeloma.
2021 May 11
Ma Z, Ahn J.
138. Omics community detection using multi-resolution clustering.
2021 May 11
Rahnavard A, Chatterjee S, Sayoldin B
139. scConnect: a method for exploratory analysis of cell-cell communication based on single cell RNA sequencing data.
2021 May 11
Jakobsson JET, Spjuth O, Lagerström MC.
140. VIRUSBreakend: Viral Integration Recognition Using Single Breakends.
2021 May 11
Cameron DL, Jacobs N, Roepman P
141. RVAgene: Generative modeling of gene expression time series data.
2021 May 11
Mitra R, MacLean AL.
142. MAT2: Manifold alignment of single-cell transcriptomes with cell triplets.
2021 May 10
Zhang J, Zhang X, Wang Y
143. ChemHub: a knowledgebase of functional chemicals for synthetic biology studies.
2021 May 10
Han M, Zhang D, Ding S
144. NeoFox: annotating neoantigen candidates with neoantigen features.
2021 May 10
Lang F, Ferreiro PR, Löwer M
145. KwARG: Parsimonious reconstruction of ancestral recombination graphs with recurrent mutation.
2021 May 10
Ignatieva A, Lyngsø RB, Jenkins PA
146. ORFLine: a bioinformatic pipeline to prioritise small open reading frames identifies candidate secreted small proteins from lymphocytes.
2021 May 10
Hu F, Lu J, Matheson LS
147. Differential gene expression analysis for multi-subject single cell RNA sequencing studies with aggregateBioVar.
2021 May 10
Thurman AL, Ratcliff JA, Chimenti MS
148. MANIEA: A Microbial Association Network Inference Method Based on Improved Eclat Association Rule Mining Algorithm.
2021 May 10
Liu M, Ye Y, Jiang J
149. Visual Exploration of Large Metabolic Models.
2021 May 10
Aichem M, Czauderna T, Zhu Y
150. Neighbourhoods in the yeast regulatory network in different physiological states.
2021 May 1
Lesk AM, Konagurthu AS.
151. A novel sequence alignment algorithm based on deep learning of the protein folding code.
2021 May 1
Gao M, Skolnick J.
152. CoLiDe: Combinatorial Library Design tool for probing protein sequence space.
2021 May 1
Tretyachenko V, Voráček V, Souček R
153. HiSCF: leveraging higher-order structures for clustering analysis in biological networks.
2021 May 1
Hu L, Zhang J, Pan X
154. MR-Clust: clustering of genetic variants in Mendelian randomization with similar causal estimates.
2021 May 1
Foley CN, Mason AM, Kirk PDW
155. Shark: fishing relevant reads in an RNA-Seq sample.
2021 May 1
Denti L, Pirola Y, Previtali M
156. MELODI Presto: a fast and agile tool to explore semantic triples derived from biomedical literature.
2021 May 1
Elsworth B, Gaunt TR.
157. IsoResolve: predicting splice isoform functions by integrating gene and isoform-level features with domain adaptation.
2021 May 1
Li HD, Yang C, Zhang Z
158. Prioritizing transcriptomic and epigenomic experiments using an optimization strategy that leverages imputed data.
2021 May 1
Schreiber J, Bilmes J, Noble WS.
159. AFid: a tool for automated identification and exclusion of autofluorescent objects from microscopy images.
2021 May 1
Baharlou H, Canete NP, Bertram KM
160. EpiDope: a deep neural network for linear B-cell epitope prediction.
2021 May 1
Collatz M, Mock F, Barth E
161. Incorporating prior knowledge into regularized regression.
2021 May 1
Zeng C, Thomas DC, Lewinger JP.
162. DREIMT: a drug repositioning database and prioritization tool for immunomodulation.
2021 May 1
Troulé K, López-Fernández H, García-Martín S
163. mixtureS: a novel tool for bacterial strain genome reconstruction from reads.
2021 May 1
Li X, Hu H, Li X.
164. HaploGrouper: a generalized approach to haplogroup classification.
2021 May 1
Jagadeesan A, Ebenesersdóttir SS, Guðmundsdóttir VB
165. Mutation-Simulator: fine-grained simulation of random mutations in any genome.
2021 May 1
Kühl MA, Stich B, Ries DC.
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