期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. COVID-19: disease pathways and gene expression changes predict methylprednisolone can improve outcome in severe cases.
2021 Mar 9
Draghici S, Nguyen TM, Sonna LA
2. Conditional canonical correlation estimation based on covariates with random forests.
2021 Mar 8
Alakuş C, Larocque D, Jacquemont S
3. MixTwice: large-scale hypothesis testing for peptide arrays by variance mixing.
2021 Mar 8
Zheng Z, Mergaert AM, Ong IM
4. Super-delta2: An Enhanced Differential Expression Analysis Procedure for Multi-Group Comparisons of RNA-seq Data.
2021 Mar 8
Cui Z, Liu Y, Zhang J
5. Hummingbird: Efficient Performance Prediction for Executing Genomic Applications in the Cloud.
2021 Mar 8
Bahmani A, Xing Z, Krishnan V
6. Granger-Causal Testing for Irregularly Sampled Time Series with Application to Nitrogen Signaling in Arabidopsis.
2021 Mar 8
Heerah S, Molinari R, Guerrier S
7. KibioR & Kibio: a new architecture for next-generation data querying and sharing in big biology.
2021 Mar 4
Ongaro-Carcy R, Scott-Boyer MP, Dessemond A
8. PrecisionProDB: improving the proteomics performance for precision medicine.
2021 Mar 31
Cao X, Xing J.
9. VCFShark: how to squeeze a VCF file.
2021 Mar 31
Deorowicz S, Danek A, Kokot M.
10. Protein Contact Map Refinement for Improving Structure Prediction Using Generative Adversarial Networks.
2021 Mar 31
Maddhuri Venkata Subramaniya SR, Terashi G, Jain A
11. Bipartite graph-based approach for clustering of cell lines by gene expression-drug response associations.
2021 Mar 3
Chi C, Ye Y, Chen B
12. Integrative Survival Analysis of Breast Cancer with Gene Expression and DNA Methylation Data.
2021 Mar 3
Bichindaritz I, Liu G, Bartlett C.
13. ShinyCell: Simple and sharable visualisation of single-cell gene expression data.
2021 Mar 28
Ouyang JF, Kamaraj US, Cao EY
14. EPS: Automated Feature Selection in Case-Control Studies using Extreme Pseudo-Sampling.
2021 Mar 28
Shemirani R, Wenric S, Kenny E
15. FUNGI: Fusion Gene Integration Toolset.
2021 Mar 27
Cervera A, Rausio H, Kähkönen T
16. Bioconductor toolchain for reproducible bioinformatics pipelines using Rcwl and RcwlPipelines.
2021 Mar 27
Hu Q, Hutson A, Liu S
17. Generalised Read-Across prediction using genra-py.
2021 Mar 27
Shah I, Tate T, Patlewicz G.
18. MaveRegistry: a collaboration platform for multiplexed assays of variant effect.
2021 Mar 27
Da Kuang, Weile J, Kishore N
19. muCNV: Genotyping Structural Variants for Population-level Sequencing.
2021 Mar 24
Jun G, Sedlazeck F, Zhu Q
20. PecanPy: a fast, efficient, and parallelized Python implementation of node2vec.
2021 Mar 24
Liu R, Krishnan A.
21. KEC: Unique sequence search by K-mer exclusion.
2021 Mar 23
Beran P, Stehlíková D, Cohen SP
22. The NRGTEN Python package: an extensible toolkit for coarse-grained normal mode analysis of proteins, nucleic acids, small molecules and their complexes.
2021 Mar 20
Mailhot O, Najmanovich R.
23. PoseFilter: A PyMOL Plugin for filtering and analyzing small molecule docking in symmetric binding sites.
2021 Mar 20
Williams JC, Kalyaanamoorthy S.
24. ClassifyTE: A stacking based prediction of hierarchical classification of transposable elements.
2021 Mar 2
Panta M, Mishra A, Hoque MT
25. Biphasic regulation of transcriptional surge generated by the gene feedback loop in a two-component system.
2021 Mar 2
Liu W, Li X, Qi H
26. DeepViral: prediction of novel virus-host interactions from protein sequences and infectious disease phenotypes.
2021 Mar 2
Liu-Wei W, Kafkas Ş, Chen J
27. NIBNA: A network-based node importance approach for identifying breast cancer drivers.
2021 Mar 2
Chaudhary MS, Pham VVH, Le TD.
28. Normalization of single-cell RNA-seq counts by log(x + 1)* or log(1 + x).
2021 Mar 2
Booeshaghi AS, Pachter L.
29. Ribo-ODDR: Oligo design pipeline for experiment-specific rRNA depletion in ribo-seq.
2021 Mar 15
Alkan F, Silva J, Barberà EP
30. TIGER: inferring DNA replication timing from whole-genome sequence data.
2021 Mar 11
Koren A, Massey DJ, Bracci AN.
31. sepal: Identifying Transcript Profiles with Spatial Patterns by Diffusion-based Modeling.
2021 Mar 11
Anderson A, Lundeberg J.
32. Machine learning optimization of peptides for presentation by class II MHCs.
2021 Mar 10
Dai Z, Huisman BD, Zeng H
33. Novel Approach for Parallelizing Pairwise Comparison Problems as Applied to Detecting Segments Identical By Decent in Whole-Genome Data.
2021 Mar 10
Sapin E, Keller MC.
34. Knowledge Enhanced LSTM for Coreference Resolution on Biomedical Texts.
2021 Mar 10
Li Y, Ma X, Zhou X
35. Gene-Set Integrative Analysis of Multi-Omics Data Using Tensor-based Association Test.
2021 Mar 1
Chang SM, Yang M, Lu W
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