期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Aug (26)
2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. RepeatFS: a file system providing reproducibility through provenance and automation.
2021 Jun 9
Westbrook A, Varki E, Thomas WK.
2. Agile workflow for interactive analysis of mass cytometry data.
2021 Jun 9
Casado J, Lehtonen O, Rantanen V
3. RNANet: an automatically built dual-source dataset integrating homologous sequences and RNA structures.
2021 Jun 9
Becquey L, Angel E, Tahi F.
4. Swan: a library for the analysis and visualization of long-read transcriptomes.
2021 Jun 9
Reese F, Mortazavi A.
5. Bacnet: a user-friendly platform for building multi-omics websites.
2021 Jun 9
Danès L, Tchitchek N, Bécavin C.
6. FlaGs and webFlaGs: discovering novel biology through the analysis of gene neighbourhood conservation.
2021 Jun 9
Saha CK, Sanches Pires R, Brolin H
7. A robust computational pipeline for model-based and data-driven phenotype clustering.
2021 Jun 9
Simoni G, Kaddi C, Tao M
8. Simulating intervertebral disc cell behaviour within 3D multifactorial environments.
2021 Jun 9
Baumgartner L, Reagh JJ, González Ballester MA
9. MetaTX: deciphering the distribution of mRNA-related features in the presence of isoform ambiguity, with applications in epitranscriptome analysis.
2021 Jun 9
Wang Y, Chen K, Wei Z
10. BP4RNAseq: a babysitter package for retrospective and newly generated RNA-seq data analyses using both alignment-based and alignment-free quantification method.
2021 Jun 9
Sun S, Xu L, Zou Q
11. SEEDS: data driven inference of structural model errors and unknown inputs for dynamic systems biology.
2021 Jun 9
Newmiwaka T, Engelhardt B, Wendland P
12. Bipartite tight spectral clustering (BiTSC) algorithm for identifying conserved gene co-clusters in two species.
2021 Jun 9
Sun YE, Zhou HJ, Li JJ.
13. ALeS: adaptive-length spaced-seed design.
2021 Jun 9
Mallik A, Ilie L.
14. Detection of crossover points in detrended fluctuation analysis: an application to EEG signals of patients with epilepsy.
2021 Jun 9
Mesquita VB, Oliveira Filho FM, Rodrigues PC.
15. Gene Circuit Explorer (GeneEx): an interactive web-app for visualizing, simulating and analyzing gene regulatory circuits.
2021 Jun 9
Kohar V, Gordin D, Katebi A
16. Fast detection of differential chromatin domains with SCIDDO.
2021 Jun 9
Ebert P, Schulz MH.
17. EpiGraphDB: a database and data mining platform for health data science.
2021 Jun 9
Liu Y, Elsworth B, Erola P
18. MEScan: a powerful statistical framework for genome-scale mutual exclusivity analysis of cancer mutations.
2021 Jun 9
Liu S, Liu J, Xie Y
19. MMAP: a cloud computing platform for mining the maximum accuracy of predicting phenotypes from genotypes.
2021 Jun 9
Huang W, Zheng P, Cui Z
20. MNHN-Tree-Tools: A toolbox for tree inference using multi-scale clustering of a set of sequences.
2021 Jun 8
Haschka T, Ponger L, Escudé C
21. BERTMHC: Improved MHC-peptide class II interaction prediction with transformer and multiple instance learning.
2021 Jun 7
Cheng J, Bendjama K, Rittner K
22. HGC: fast hierarchical clustering for large-scale single-cell data.
2021 Jun 7
Zou Z, Hua K, Zhang X.
23. A SARS-CoV-2 sequence submission tool for the European Nucleotide Archive.
2021 Jun 7
Roncoroni M, Droesbeke B, Eguinoa I
24. E-Pedigrees: a large-scale automatic family pedigree prediction application.
2021 Jun 4
Huang X, Tatonetti N, LaRow K
25. wQFM: Highly Accurate Genome-scale Species Tree Estimation from Weighted Quartets.
2021 Jun 4
Mahbub M, Wahab Z, Reaz R
26. TIGA: Target illumination GWAS analytics.
2021 Jun 4
Yang JJ, Grissa D, Lambert CG
27. Structural discrimination analysis for constraint selection in protein modeling.
2021 Jun 4
Bottino GF, Ferrari AJR, Gozzo FC
28. Foveal Blur-Boosted Segmentation of Nuclei in Histopathology Images with Shape Prior Knowledge and Probability Map Constraints.
2021 Jun 3
Duanmu H, Wang F, Teodoro G
29. Assessing Consistency Across Functional Screening Datasets in Cancer Cells.
2021 Jun 3
Cai L, Liu H, Minna JD
30. MMpred: a distance-assisted multimodal conformation sampling for de novo protein structure prediction.
2021 Jun 29
Zhao KL, Liu J, Zhou XG
31. PolarProtPred: Predicting apical and basolateral localization of transmembrane proteins using putative short linear motifs and deep learning.
2021 Jun 29
Dobson L, Zeke A, Tusnády GE.
32. MultiDTI: Drug-target interaction prediction based on multi-modal representation learning to bridge the gap between new chemical entities and known heterogeneous network.
2021 Jun 28
Zhou D, Xu Z, Li W
33. EpitopeVec: Linear Epitope Prediction Using Deep Protein Sequence Embeddings.
2021 Jun 28
Bahai A, Asgari E, Mofrad MRK
34. Identifying Driver Genes for Individual Patients through Inductive Matrix Completion.
2021 Jun 27
Zhang T, Zhang SW, Li Y.
35. TimeCycle: Topology Inspired MEthod for the Detection of Cycling Transcripts in Circadian Time-Series Data.
2021 Jun 27
Ness-Cohn E, Braun R.
36. S2L-PSIBLAST: a supervised two-layer search framework based on PSI-BLAST for protein remote homology detection.
2021 Jun 25
Jin X, Liao Q, Liu B.
37. VSS: Variance-stabilized signals for sequencing-based genomic signals.
2021 Jun 24
Bayat F, Libbrecht M.
38. SOMDE: A scalable method for identifying spatially variable genes with self-organizing map.
2021 Jun 24
Hao M, Hua K, Zhang X.
39. SysMod: the ISCB community for data-driven computational modelling and multi-scale analysis of biological systems.
2021 Jun 24
Dräger A, Helikar T, Barberis M
40. DUI: the drug use insights web server.
2021 Jun 23
Prince Z, Jha D, Singh R.
41. HFBD: a biomarker knowledge database for heart failure heterogeneity and personalized applications.
2021 Jun 23
He H, Shi M, Lin Y
42. Embeddings of genomic region sets capture rich biological associations in lower dimensions.
2021 Jun 22
Gharavi E, Gu A, Zheng G
43. 3Dscript.server: True server-side 3D animation of microscopy images using a natural language-based syntax.
2021 Jun 21
Schmid B, Tripal P, Winter Z
44. The DNA methylation haplotype (mHap) format and mHapTools.
2021 Jun 19
Zhang Z, Dan Y, Xu Y
45. Bayesian Modeling of Spatial Molecular Profiling Data via Gaussian Process.
2021 Jun 19
Li Q, Zhang M, Xie Y
46. EPSOL: sequence-based protein solubility prediction using multidimensional embedding.
2021 Jun 18
Wu X, Yu L.
47. AutoCCS: Automated collision cross section calculation software for ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry.
2021 Jun 18
Lee JY, Bilbao A, Conant CR
48. efam: an expanded, metaproteome-supported HMM profile database of viral protein families.
2021 Jun 16
Zayed AA, Lücking D, Mohssen M
49. Deep feature extraction of single-cell transcriptomes by generative adversarial network.
2021 Jun 16
Bahrami M, Maitra M, Nagy C
50. A system-level analysis of patient disease trajectories based on clinical, phenotypic and molecular similarities.
2021 Jun 16
Giannoula A, Centeno E, Mayer MA
51. MONACO: accurate biological network alignment through optimal neighborhood matching between focal nodes.
2021 Jun 16
Woo HM, Yoon BJ.
52. Newt: a comprehensive web-based tool for viewing, constructing and analyzing biological maps.
2021 Jun 16
Balci H, Siper MC, Saleh N
53. Fijiyama: a registration tool for 3D multimodal time-lapse imaging.
2021 Jun 16
Fernandez R, Moisy C.
54. VoroContacts: a tool for the analysis of interatomic contacts in macromolecular structures.
2021 Jun 16
Olechnovič K, Venclovas Č.
55. ClusTCR: a Python interface for rapid clustering of large sets of CDR3 sequences with unknown antigen specificity.
2021 Jun 16
Valkiers S, Van Houcke M, Laukens K
56. SANS serif: alignment-free, whole-genome based phylogenetic reconstruction.
2021 Jun 16
Rempel A, Wittler R.
57. Predicting microbiomes through a deep latent space.
2021 Jun 16
García-Jiménez B, Muñoz J, Cabello S
58. Signal metrics analysis of oscillatory patterns in bacterial multi-omic networks.
2021 Jun 16
Bardozzo F, Lió P, Tagliaferri R.
59. ADACT: a tool for analysing (dis)similarity among nucleotide and protein sequences using minimal and relative absent words.
2021 Jun 16
Akon M, Akon M, Kabir M
60. Colour deconvolution: stain unmixing in histological imaging.
2021 Jun 16
Landini G, Martinelli G, Piccinini F.
61. Quantification of spatial tumor heterogeneity in immunohistochemistry staining images.
2021 Jun 16
Chervoneva I, Peck AR, Yi M
62. Casboundary: automated definition of integral Cas cassettes.
2021 Jun 16
Padilha VA, Alkhnbashi OS, Tran VD
63. Extended connectivity interaction features: improving binding affinity prediction through chemical description.
2021 Jun 16
Sánchez-Cruz N, Medina-Franco JL, Mestres J
64. Agent-based modeling reveals benefits of heterogeneous and stochastic cell populations during cGAS-mediated IFNβ production.
2021 Jun 16
Gregg RW, Shabnam F, Shoemaker JE.
65. Combining artificial intelligence: deep learning with Hi-C data to predict the functional effects of non-coding variants.
2021 Jun 16
Meng XH, Xiao HM, Deng HW.
66. flexiMAP: a regression-based method for discovering differential alternative polyadenylation events in standard RNA-seq data.
2021 Jun 16
Szkop KJ, Moss DS, Nobeli I.
67. VIRTUS: a pipeline for comprehensive virus analysis from conventional RNA-seq data.
2021 Jun 16
Yasumizu Y, Hara A, Sakaguchi S
68. PyMod 3: a complete suite for structural bioinformatics in PyMOL.
2021 Jun 16
Janson G, Paiardini A.
69. BEST: a Shiny/R web-based application to easily retrieve cross-related enzyme functional parameters and information from BRENDA.
2021 Jun 16
Saez Hidalgo J, Oróstica KY, Sanchez-Daza A
70. PAX2GRAPHML: a Python library for large-scale regulation network analysis using BIOPAX.
2021 Jun 15
Moreews F, Simon H, Siegel A
71. A convolutional neural network for common coordinate registration of high-resolution histology images.
2021 Jun 15
Daly AC, Geras KJ, Bonneau RA.
72. Cheetah-MS: a web server to model protein complexes using tandem cross-linking mass spectrometry data.
2021 Jun 15
Khakzad H, Happonen L, Malmström J
73. RENANO: a REference-based compressor for NANOpore FASTQ files.
2021 Jun 15
Dufort Y Álvarez G, Seroussi G, Smircich P
74. peakPantheR, an R package for large-scale targeted extraction and integration of annotated metabolic features in LC-MS profiling datasets.
2021 Jun 14
Wolfer AM, Correia GDS, Sands CJ
75. Methylscaper: an R/shiny app for joint visualization of DNA methylation and nucleosome occupancy in single-molecule and single-cell data.
2021 Jun 14
Knight P, Gauthier ML, Pardo CE
76. Improving sequence-based modeling of protein families using secondary structure quality assessment.
2021 Jun 12
Malbranke C, Bikard D, Cocco S
77. Methylation-eQTL Analysis in Cancer Research.
2021 Jun 12
Liu Y, Baggerly KA, Orouji E
78. ITSoneWB: profiling global taxonomic diversity of eukaryotic communities on Galaxy.
2021 Jun 12
Tangaro M, Defazio G, Fosso B
79. Puffaligner : A Fast, Efficient, and Accurate Aligner Based on the Pufferfish Index.
2021 Jun 12
Almodaresi F, Zakeri M, Patro R.
80. MecCog: A knowledge representation framework for genetic disease mechanism.
2021 Jun 12
Kundu K, Darden L, Moult J.
81. AQUARIUM: accurate quantification of circular isoforms using model-based strategy.
2021 Jun 11
Wen G, Li M, Li F
82. Humanization of antibodies using a machine learning approach on large-scale repertoire data.
2021 Jun 10
Marks C, Hummer AM, Chin M
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