期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Aug (26)
2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. 2DProts: Database of Family-Wide Protein Secondary Structure Diagrams.
2021 Jul 9
Hutařová Vařeková I, Hutař J, Midlik A
2. ClustENMD: Efficient sampling of biomolecular conformational space at atomic resolution.
2021 Jul 8
Kaynak BT, Zhang S, Bahar I
3. Fully unsupervised deep mode of action learning for phenotyping high-content cellular images.
2021 Jul 8
Janssens R, Zhang X, Kauffmann A
4. HEMDAG: a family of modular and scalable hierarchical ensemble methods to improve Gene Ontology term prediction.
2021 Jul 7
Notaro M, Frasca M, Petrini A
5. PZLAST: an ultra-fast amino acid sequence similarity search server against public metagenomes.
2021 Jul 7
Mori H, Ishikawa H, Higashi K
6. spheresDT/Mpacts-PiCS: Cell Tracking and Shape Retrieval in Membrane-labeled Embryos.
2021 Jul 30
Thiels W, Smeets B, Cuvelier M
7. BioERP: biomedical heterogeneous network-based self-supervised representation learning approach for entity relationship predictions.
2021 Jul 30
Wang X, Yang Y, Li K
8. Learning embedding features based on multi-sense-scaled attention architecture to improve the predictive performance of anticancer peptides.
2021 Jul 29
He W, Wang Y, Cui L
9. CHIT: an allele-specific method for testing the association between molecular quantitative traits and phenotype-genotype interaction.
2021 Jul 29
Yan Q, Forno E, Celedón JC
10. DTI-Voodoo: machine learning over interaction networks and ontology-based background knowledge predicts drug-target interactions.
2021 Jul 28
Hinnerichs T, Hoehndorf R.
11. Accurate Large-scale Phylogeny-Aware Alignment using BAli-Phy.
2021 Jul 28
Gupta M, Zaharias P, Warnow T.
12. PhosIDN: an integrated deep neural network for improving protein phosphorylation site prediction by combining sequence and protein-protein interaction information.
2021 Jul 28
Yang H, Wang M, Liu X
13. GdClean: removal of Gadolinium contamination in mass cytometry data.
2021 Jul 28
Liu J, Liu L, Qu S
14. Somatic variant analysis of linked-reads sequencing data with Lancet.
2021 Jul 27
Musunuri R, Arora K, Corvelo A
15. HD-eXplosion: visualization of hydrogen-deuterium exchange data as chiclet and volcano plots with statistical filtering.
2021 Jul 27
Zhang N, Yu X, Zhang X
16. COGENT: evaluating the consistency of gene co-expression networks.
2021 Jul 27
Bozhilova LV, Pardo-Diaz J, Reinert G
17. Allele-specific multi-sample copy number segmentation in ASCAT.
2021 Jul 27
Ross EM, Haase K, Van Loo P
18. PhyloWGA: chromosome-aware phylogenetic interrogation of whole genome alignments.
2021 Jul 27
Adams RH, Castoe TA, DeGiorgio M.
19. DoubleRecViz: a web-based tool for visualizing transcript-gene-species tree reconciliation.
2021 Jul 27
Kuitche E, Qi Y, Tahiri N
20. FCSlib: an open-source tool for fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy analysis for mobility, number and molecular brightness in R.
2021 Jul 27
Pinto-Cámara R, Linares A, Moreno-Gutiérrez DS
21. Transformation and differential abundance analysis of microbiome data incorporating phylogeny.
2021 Jul 24
Zhou C, Zhao H, Wang T.
22. Organism-Specific training improves performance of linear B-Cell epitope prediction.
2021 Jul 21
Ashford J, Reis-Cunha J, Lobo I
23. A fast Data-Driven method for genotype imputation, phasing, and local ancestry inference: MendelImpute.jl.
2021 Jul 21
Chu BB, Sobel EM, Wasiolek R
24. Tumor heterogeneity assessed by sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) data.
2021 Jul 20
Lei H, Gertz EM, Schäffer AA
25. CCIP: Predicting CTCF-mediated chromatin loops with transitivity.
2021 Jul 20
Wang W, Gao L, Ye Y
26. DMIL-IsoFun: predicting isoform function using deep multi-instance learning.
2021 Jul 20
Yu G, Zhou G, Zhang X
27. Linear functional organization of the omic embedding space.
2021 Jul 2
Xenos A, Malod-Dognin N, Milinković S
28. phyLoSTM: a novel deep learning model on disease prediction from longitudinal microbiome data.
2021 Jul 2
Sharma D, Xu W.
29. Medical Concept Normalization in Clinical Trials with Drug and Disease Representation Learning.
2021 Jul 2
Miftahutdinov Z, Kadurin A, Kudrin R
30. Non-parametric modelling of temporal and spatial counts data from RNA-seq experiments.
2021 Jul 2
BinTayyash N, Georgaka S, John ST
31. Increasing the Accuracy of Single Sequence Prediction Methods Using a Deep Semi-Supervised Learning Framework.
2021 Jul 2
Moffat L, Jones DT.
32. Varmole: a biologically drop-connect deep neural network model for prioritizing disease risk variants and genes.
2021 Jul 19
Nguyen ND, Jin T, Wang D.
33. MAGUS: Multiple sequence Alignment using Graph clUStering.
2021 Jul 19
Smirnov V, Warnow T.
34. Probabilistic framework for integration of mass spectrum and retention time information in small molecule identification.
2021 Jul 19
Bach E, Rogers S, Williamson J
35. HOPS: high-performance library for (non-)uniform sampling of convex-constrained models.
2021 Jul 19
Jadebeck JF, Theorell A, Leweke S
36. COVID-Align: accurate online alignment of hCoV-19 genomes using a profile HMM.
2021 Jul 19
Lemoine F, Blassel L, Voznica J
37. Using drug descriptions and molecular structures for drug-drug interaction extraction from literature.
2021 Jul 19
Asada M, Miwa M, Sasaki Y.
38. MSCquartets 1.0: quartet methods for species trees and networks under the multispecies coalescent model in R.
2021 Jul 19
Rhodes JA, Baños H, Mitchell JD
39. Transfer learning via multi-scale convolutional neural layers for human-virus protein-protein interaction prediction.
2021 Jul 17
Yang X, Yang S, Lian X
40. 3Cnet: pathogenicity prediction of human variants using multitask learning with evolutionary constraints.
2021 Jul 16
Won DG, Kim DW, Woo J
41. LINADMIX: Evaluating the effect of ancient admixture events on modern populations.
2021 Jul 16
Agranat-Tamir L, Waldman S, Rosen N
42. Openness Weighted Association Studies: Leveraging Personal Genome Information to Prioritize Noncoding Variants.
2021 Jul 14
Song S, Shan N, Wang G
43. Efficient gradient-based parameter estimation for dynamic models using qualitative data.
2021 Jul 14
Schmiester L, Weindl D, Hasenauer J.
44. Founder Reconstruction Enables Scalable and Seamless Pangenomic Analysis.
2021 Jul 14
Norri T, Cazaux B, Dönges S
45. Probabilistic Identification of Bacterial Essential Genes via insertion density using TraDIS Data with Tn5 libraries.
2021 Jul 13
Nlebedim VU, Chaudhuri RR, Walters K.
46. tsRNAsearch: A pipeline for the identification of tRNA and ncRNA fragments from small RNA-sequencing data.
2021 Jul 13
Donovan PD, McHale NM, Venø MT
47. HieRFIT: A hierarchical cell type classification tool for projections from complex single-cell atlas datasets.
2021 Jul 13
Kaymaz Y, Ganglberger F, Tang M
48. Ryūtō: Improved multi-sample transcript assembly for differential transcript expression analysis and more.
2021 Jul 13
Gatter T, Stadler PF.
49. TempoMAGE: a deep learning framework that exploits the causal dependency between time-series data to predict histone marks in open chromatin regions at time-points with missing ChIP-seq datasets.
2021 Jul 13
Hallal M, Awad M, Khoueiry P.
50. Long reads capture simultaneous enhancer-promoter methylation status for cell-type deconvolution.
2021 Jul 12
Margalit S, Abramson Y, Sharim H
51. Expected 10-anonymity of HyperLogLog sketches for federated queries of clinical data repositories.
2021 Jul 12
Tao Z, Weber GM, Yu YW.
52. KG4SL: knowledge graph neural network for synthetic lethality prediction in human cancers.
2021 Jul 12
Wang S, Xu F, Li Y
53. PathCNN: interpretable convolutional neural networks for survival prediction and pathway analysis applied to glioblastoma.
2021 Jul 12
Oh JH, Choi W, Ko E
54. Cuttlefish: fast, parallel and low-memory compaction of de Bruijn graphs from large-scale genome collections.
2021 Jul 12
Khan J, Patro R.
55. Advancing admixture graph estimation via maximum likelihood network orientation.
2021 Jul 12
Molloy EK, Durvasula A, Sankararaman S.
56. MS2Planner: improved fragmentation spectra coverage in untargeted mass spectrometry by iterative optimized data acquisition.
2021 Jul 12
Zuo Z, Cao L, Nothia LF
57. Weakly supervised learning of RNA modifications from low-resolution epitranscriptome data.
2021 Jul 12
Huang D, Song B, Wei J
58. Sequence-specific minimizers via polar sets.
2021 Jul 12
Zheng H, Kingsford C, Marçais G.
59. DeepGraphGO: graph neural network for large-scale, multispecies protein function prediction.
2021 Jul 12
You R, Yao S, Mamitsuka H
60. Bacteriophage classification for assembled contigs using graph convolutional network.
2021 Jul 12
Shang J, Jiang J, Sun Y.
61. Brain Predictability toolbox: a Python library for neuroimaging-based machine learning.
2021 Jul 12
Hahn S, Yuan K, Thompson WK
62. BiasAway: command-line and web server to generate nucleotide composition-matched DNA background sequences.
2021 Jul 12
Khan A, Riudavets Puig R, Boddie P
63. Minirmd: accurate and fast duplicate removal tool for short reads via multiple minimizers.
2021 Jul 12
Liu Y, Zhang X, Zou Q
64. CpGtools: a python package for DNA methylation analysis.
2021 Jul 12
Wei T, Nie J, Larson NB
65. Haplotype-based membership inference from summary genomic data.
2021 Jul 12
Bu D, Wang X, Tang H.
66. DECODE: a Deep-learning framework for Condensing enhancers and refining boundaries with large-scale functional assays.
2021 Jul 12
Chen Z, Zhang J, Liu J
67. Constructing small genome graphs via string compression.
2021 Jul 12
Qiu Y, Kingsford C.
68. Umibato: estimation of time-varying microbial interaction using continuous-time regression hidden Markov model.
2021 Jul 12
Hosoda S, Fukunaga T, Hamada M.
69. Data-driven speciation tree prior for better species divergence times in calibration-poor molecular phylogenies.
2021 Jul 12
Tao Q, Barba-Montoya J, Kumar S.
70. Metaball skinning of synthetic astroglial morphologies into realistic mesh models for visual analytics and in silico simulations.
2021 Jul 12
Abdellah M, Foni A, Zisis E
71. JEDI: circular RNA prediction based on junction encoders and deep interaction among splice sites.
2021 Jul 12
Jiang JY, Ju CJ, Hao J
72. On the feasibility of deep learning applications using raw mass spectrometry data.
2021 Jul 12
Cadow J, Manica M, Mathis R
73. Predicting MHC-peptide binding affinity by differential boundary tree.
2021 Jul 12
Feng P, Zeng J, Ma J.
74. Resolving diverse protein-DNA footprints from exonuclease-based ChIP experiments.
2021 Jul 12
Biswas A, Narlikar L.
75. Model learning to identify systemic regulators of the peripheral circadian clock.
2021 Jul 12
Martinelli J, Dulong S, Li XM
76. TITAN: T-cell receptor specificity prediction with bimodal attention networks.
2021 Jul 12
Weber A, Born J, Rodriguez Martínez M.
77. Gene tree and species tree reconciliation with endosymbiotic gene transfer.
2021 Jul 12
Anselmetti Y, El-Mabrouk N, Lafond M
78. Robustifying genomic classifiers to batch effects via ensemble learning.
2021 Jul 12
Zhang Y, Patil P, Johnson WE
79. MiRKAT: kernel machine regression-based global association tests for the microbiome.
2021 Jul 12
Wilson N, Zhao N, Zhan X
80. keras_dna: a wrapper for fast implementation of deep learning models in genomics.
2021 Jul 12
Routhier E, Bin Kamruddin A, Mozziconacci J.
81. Phosphomatics: interactive interrogation of substrate-kinase networks in global phosphoproteomics datasets.
2021 Jul 12
Leeming MG, O'Callaghan S, Licata L
82. CYBERTRACK2.0: zero-inflated model-based cell clustering and population tracking method for longitudinal mass cytometry data.
2021 Jul 12
Minoura K, Abe K, Maeda Y
83. A novel constrained reconstruction model towards high-resolution subtomogram averaging.
2021 Jul 12
Han R, Li L, Yang P
84. Revealing dynamic regulations and the related key proteins of myeloma-initiating cells by integrating experimental data into a systems biological model.
2021 Jul 12
Zhang L, Liu G, Kong M
85. Asynchronous parallel Bayesian optimization for AI-driven cloud laboratories.
2021 Jul 12
Frisby TS, Gong Z, Langmead CJ.
86. Thermodynamic modeling reveals widespread multivalent binding by RNA-binding proteins.
2021 Jul 12
Sohrabi-Jahromi S, Söding J.
87. Comparison of online learning designs during the COVID-19 pandemic within bioinformatics courses in higher education.
2021 Jul 12
Abrahamsson S, Dávila López M.
88. EnHiC: learning fine-resolution Hi-C contact maps using a generative adversarial framework.
2021 Jul 12
Hu Y, Ma W.
89. Statistical approaches for differential expression analysis in metatranscriptomics.
2021 Jul 12
Zhang Y, Thompson KN, Huttenhower C
90. Bayesian information sharing enhances detection of regulatory associations in rare cell types.
2021 Jul 12
Wu AP, Peng J, Berger B
91. CentromereArchitect: inference and analysis of the architecture of centromeres.
2021 Jul 12
Dvorkina T, Kunyavskaya O, Bzikadze AV
92. Graph transformation for enzymatic mechanisms.
2021 Jul 12
Andersen JL, Fagerberg R, Flamm C
93. A variant selection framework for genome graphs.
2021 Jul 12
Jain C, Tavakoli N, Aluru S.
94. Build a better bootstrap and the RAWR shall beat a random path to your door: phylogenetic support estimation revisited.
2021 Jul 12
Wang W, Hejasebazzi A, Zheng J
95. Real-time mapping of nanopore raw signals.
2021 Jul 12
Zhang H, Li H, Jain C
96. OncoThreads: visualization of large-scale longitudinal cancer molecular data.
2021 Jul 12
Harbig TA, Nusrat S, Mazor T
97. Single-subject studies'-derived analyses unveil altered biomechanisms between very small cohorts: implications for rare diseases.
2021 Jul 12
Aberasturi D, Pouladi N, Zaim SR
98. CROTON: an automated and variant-aware deep learning framework for predicting CRISPR/Cas9 editing outcomes.
2021 Jul 12
Li VR, Zhang Z, Troyanskaya OG.
99. Practical selection of representative sets of RNA-seq samples using a hierarchical approach.
2021 Jul 12
Tung LH, Kingsford C.
100. DIAmeter: matching peptides to data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry data.
2021 Jul 12
Lu YY, Bilmes J, Rodriguez-Mias RA
101. Sigflow: an automated and comprehensive pipeline for cancer genome mutational signature analysis.
2021 Jul 12
Wang S, Tao Z, Wu T
102. A span-graph neural model for overlapping entity relation extraction in biomedical texts.
2021 Jul 12
Fei H, Zhang Y, Ren Y
103. SolupHred: a server to predict the pH-dependent aggregation of intrinsically disordered proteins.
2021 Jul 12
Pintado C, Santos J, Iglesias V
104. METADOCK 2: a high-throughput parallel metaheuristic scheme for molecular docking.
2021 Jul 12
Imbernón B, Serrano A, Bueno-Crespo A
105. XRRpred: Accurate Predictor of Crystal Structure Quality from Protein Sequence.
2021 Jul 10
Ghadermarzi S, Krawczyk B, Song J
106. Comparative Evaluation of Shape Retrieval Methods on Macromolecular Surfaces: An Application of Computer Vision Methods in Structural Bioinformatics.
2021 Jul 10
Machat M, Langenfeld F, Craciun D
107. A Sequential Niche Multimodal Conformational Sampling Algorithm for Protein Structure Prediction.
2021 Jul 10
Xia YH, Peng CX, Zhou XG
108. JBrowseR: An R Interface to the JBrowse 2 Genome Browser.
2021 Jul 1
Hershberg EA, Stevens G, Diesh C
109. MHCVision: estimation of global and local false discovery rate for MHC class I peptide binding prediction.
2021 Jul 1
Pearngam P, Sriswasdi S, Pisitkun T
110. CStreet: a computed Cell State trajectory inference method for time-series single-cell RNA sequencing data.
2021 Jul 1
Zhao C, Xiu W, Hua Y
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