期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Aug (26)
2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. The iPPI-DB initiative: A Community-centered database of Protein-Protein Interaction modulators.
2021 Jan 8
Torchet R, Druart K, Ruano LC
2. A network-based deep learning methodology for stratification of tumor mutations.
2021 Jan 8
Liu C, Han Z, Zhang ZK
3. EM-stellar: benchmarking deep learning for electron microscopy image segmentation.
2021 Jan 8
Khadangi A, Boudier T, Rajagopal V.
4. ProteomeExpert: a docker image based web-server for exploring, modeling, visualizing, and mining quantitative proteomic data sets.
2021 Jan 8
Zhu T, Chen H, Yan X
5. Diamond: A Multi-Modal DIA Mass Spectrometry Data Processing Pipeline.
2021 Jan 8
Li C, Gao M, Yang W
6. Recognition of small molecule-RNA binding sites using RNA sequence and structure.
2021 Jan 8
Su H, Peng Z, Yang J.
7. shinyÉPICo: A graphical pipeline to analyze Illumina DNA methylation arrays.
2021 Jan 8
Morante-Palacios O, Ballestar E.
8. CellTracker: An Automated Toolbox for Single-Cell Segmentation and Tracking of Time-lapse Microscopy Images.
2021 Jan 8
Hu T, Xu S, Wei L
9. The VCBS superfamily forms a third supercluster of β-propellers that includes tachylectin and integrins.
2021 Jan 8
Pereira J, Lupas AN.
10. PhyloCorrelate: inferring bacterial gene-gene functional associations through large-scale phylogenetic profiling.
2021 Jan 8
Tremblay BJ, Lobb B, Doxey AC.
11. BamSnap: a lightweight viewer for sequencing reads in BAM files.
2021 Jan 8
Kwon M, Lee S, Berselli M
12. Interactive gene networks with KNIT.
2021 Jan 8
Magruder DS, Liebhoff AM, Bethune J
13. SoluProt: Prediction of Soluble Protein Expression in Escherichia coli.
2021 Jan 8
Hon J, Marusiak M, Martinek T
14. xGAP: A python based efficient, modular, extensible and fault tolerant genomic analysis pipeline for variant discovery.
2021 Jan 8
Gorla A, Jew B, Zhang L
15. Network approach to mutagenesis sheds insight on phage resistance in mycobacteria.
2021 Jan 8
Sinha S, Samaddar S, Das Gupta SK
16. PC2P: Parameter-free network-based prediction of protein complexes.
2021 Jan 8
Omranian S, Angeleska A, Nikoloski Z.
17. Accurate, scalable cohort variant calls using DeepVariant and GLnexus.
2021 Jan 5
Yun T, Li H, Chang PC
18. Deep Neural Networks For Predicting Restricted Mean Survival Times.
2021 Jan 5
Zhao L.
19. GuidePro: A multi-source ensemble predictor for prioritizing sgRNAs in CRISPR/Cas9 protein knockouts.
2021 Jan 4
He W, Wang H, Wei Y
20. CAFE: a software suite for analysis of paired-sample transposon insertion sequencing data.
2021 Jan 4
Abramova A, Osińska A, Kunche H
21. A semi-supervised model to predict regulatory effects of genetic variants at single nucleotide resolution using massively parallel reporter assays.
2021 Jan 30
Yang Z, Wang C, Erjavec S
22. McSplicer: a probabilistic model for estimating splice site usage from RNA-seq data.
2021 Jan 30
Alqassem I, Sonthalia Y, Klitzke-Feser E
23. De Novo Genome Assembly Of Solanum Sitiens Reveals Structural Variation Associated With Drought And Salinity Tolerance.
2021 Jan 30
Molitor C, Kurowski TJ, Fidalgo de Almeida PM
24. Cox-nnet v2.0: improved neural-network based survival prediction extended to large-scale EMR data.
2021 Jan 30
Wang D, Jing Z, He K
25. Mercator: A Pipeline For Multi-Method, Unsupervised Visualization And Distance Generation.
2021 Jan 30
Abrams ZB, Coombes CE, Li S
26. Network-adjusted Kendall's Tau Measure for Feature Screening with Application to High-dimensional Survival Genomic Data.
2021 Jan 29
Wang JH, Chen YH.
27. Epidemiological modeling in StochSS Live!
2021 Jan 29
Jiang R, Jacob B, Geiger M
28. Efficient dynamic variation graphs.
2021 Jan 29
Eizenga JM, Novak AM, Kobayashi E
29. FANCY: fast estimation of privacy risk in functional genomics data.
2021 Jan 29
Gürsoy G, Brannon CM, Navarro FCP
30. Highly accurate classification of chest radiographic reports using a deep learning natural language model pre-trained on 3.8 million text reports.
2021 Jan 29
Bressem KK, Adams LC, Gaudin RA
31. PoLoBag: Polynomial Lasso Bagging for signed gene regulatory network inference from expression data.
2021 Jan 29
Ghosh Roy G, Geard N, Verspoor K
32. Differential Gene Set Enrichment Analysis: a statistical approach to quantify the relative enrichment of two gene sets.
2021 Jan 29
Joly JH, Lowry WE, Graham NA.
33. ToxDL: deep learning using primary structure and domain embeddings for assessing protein toxicity.
2021 Jan 29
Pan X, Zuallaert J, Wang X
34. Co-sparse reduced-rank regression for association analysis between imaging phenotypes and genetic variants.
2021 Jan 29
Wen C, Ba H, Pan W
35. Single-sequence and profile-based prediction of RNA solvent accessibility using dilated convolutional neural network.
2021 Jan 29
Hanumanthappa AK, Singh J, Paliwal K
36. Persistent minimal sequences of SARS-CoV-2.
2021 Jan 29
Pratas D, Silva JM.
37. IDP-Seq2Seq: identification of intrinsically disordered regions based on sequence to sequence learning.
2021 Jan 29
Tang YJ, Pang YH, Liu B.
38. Strategy for improved characterization of human metabolic phenotypes using a COmbined Multi-block Principal components Analysis with Statistical Spectroscopy (COMPASS).
2021 Jan 29
Loo RL, Chan Q, Antti H
39. HunFlair: An Easy-to-Use Tool for State-of-the-Art Biomedical Named Entity Recognition.
2021 Jan 28
Weber L, Sänger M, Münchmeyer J
40. ICN: Extracting interconnected communities in gene Co-expression networks.
2021 Jan 28
Wu Q, Ma T, Liu Q
41. Using single-cell cytometry to illustrate integrated multi-perspective evaluation of clustering algorithms using Pareto fronts.
2021 Jan 28
Putri GH, Koprinska I, Ashhurst TM
42. Calibrating variant-scoring methods for clinical decision making.
2021 Jan 25
Benevenuta S, Capriotti E, Fariselli P.
43. Mouse Quantitative Proteomics Knowledgebase: reference protein concentration ranges in 20 mouse tissues using 5000 quantitative proteomics assays.
2021 Jan 23
Mohammed Y, Bhowmick P, Michaud SA
44. Ribosome occupancy profiles are conserved between structurally and evolutionarily related yeast domains.
2021 Jan 23
Nissley DA, Carbery A, Chonofsky M
45. A rarefaction-based extension of the LDM for testing presence-absence associations in the microbiome.
2021 Jan 21
Hu YJ, Lane A, Satten GA.
46. Genome-scale de novo assembly using ALGA.
2021 Jan 20
Swat S, Laskowski A, Badura J
47. DNAModAnnot: a R toolbox for DNA modification filtering and annotation.
2021 Jan 20
Hardy A, Matelot M, Touzeau A
48. Bios2cor: an R package integrating dynamic and evolutionary correlations to identify functionally important residues in proteins.
2021 Jan 20
Taddese B, Garnier A, Deniaud M
49. MBG: Minimizer-based Sparse de Bruijn Graph Construction.
2021 Jan 20
Rautiainen M, Marschall T.
50. SCAN-ATAC-Sim: a scalable and efficient method for simulating single-cell ATAC-seq data from bulk-tissue experiments.
2021 Jan 20
Chen Z, Zhang J, Liu J
51. SWOTein: a structure-based approach to predict stability Strengths and Weaknesses of prOTEINs.
2021 Jan 20
Hou Q, Pucci F, Ancien F
52. PrInCE: an R/bioconductor package for protein-protein interaction network inference from co-fractionation mass spectrometry data.
2021 Jan 20
Skinnider MA, Cai C, Stacey RG
53. Adversarial generation of gene expression data.
2021 Jan 20
Viñas R, Andrés-Terré H, Liò P
54. DeepSurf: A surface-based deep learning approach for the prediction of ligand binding sites on proteins.
2021 Jan 20
Mylonas SK, Axenopoulos A, Daras P.
55. V-pipe: a computational pipeline for assessing viral genetic diversity from high-throughput data.
2021 Jan 20
Posada-Céspedes S, Seifert D, Topolsky I
56. VPF-Class: Taxonomic assignment and host prediction of uncultivated viruses based on viral protein families.
2021 Jan 20
Pons JC, Paez-Espino D, Riera G
57. PhenoTagger: A Hybrid Method for Phenotype Concept Recognition using Human Phenotype Ontology.
2021 Jan 20
Luo L, Yan S, Lai PT
58. Cellinker: a platform of ligand-receptor interactions for intercellular communication analysis.
2021 Jan 20
Zhang Y, Liu T, Wang J
59. SubtypeDrug: a software package for prioritization of candidate cancer subtype-specific drugs.
2021 Jan 18
Han X, Kong Q, Liu C
60. Clinker & clustermap.js: Automatic generation of gene cluster comparison figures.
2021 Jan 18
Gilchrist CLM, Chooi YH.
61. CaMelia: imputation in single-cell methylomes based on local similarities between cells.
2021 Jan 18
Tang J, Zou J, Fan M
62. MEWpy: A Computational Strain Optimization Workbench in Python.
2021 Jan 18
Pereira V, Cruz F, Rocha M.
63. Large-scale Inference of Population Structure in Presence of Missingness using PCA.
2021 Jan 18
Meisner J, Liu S, Huang M
64. CapiPy: python based GUI-application to assist in protein immobilization.
2021 Jan 18
Roura Padrosa D, Marchini V, Paradisi F.
65. SeeCiTe: a method to assess CNV calls from SNP arrays using trio data.
2021 Jan 18
Lavrichenko K, Helgeland Ø, Njølstad PR
66. EARRINGS: An Efficient and Accurate Adapter Trimmer Entails No a Priori Adapter Sequences.
2021 Jan 18
Wang TH, Huang CC, Hung JH.
67. Nebulosa recovers single cell gene expression signals by kernel density estimation.
2021 Jan 18
Alquicira-Hernandez J, Powell JE.
68. HIVID2: an accurate tool to detect virus integrations in the host genome.
2021 Jan 16
Zeng X, Zhao L, Shen C
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