期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. PsiNorm: a scalable normalization for single-cell RNA-seq data.
2021 Dec 22
Borella M, Martello G, Risso D
2. Joint eQTL mapping and inference of gene regulatory network improves power of detecting both cis- and trans-eQTLs.
2021 Dec 22
Zhou X, Cai X.
3. Querying multiple sets of P-values through composed hypothesis testing.
2021 Dec 22
Mary-Huard T, Das S, Mukhopadhyay I
4. Hierarchical Bayesian models of transcriptional and translational regulation processes with delays.
2021 Dec 22
Cortez MJ, Hong H, Choi B
5. Improved datasets and evaluation methods for the automatic prediction of DNA-binding proteins.
2021 Dec 22
Zaitzeff A, Leiby N, Motta FC
6. The role of CpG island methylator phenotype in the clinical course of hepatocellular carcinoma.
2021 Dec 22
Yan J, Man Z, Gao L
7. BitQT: a graph-based approach to the quality threshold clustering of molecular dynamics.
2021 Dec 22
González-Alemán R, Platero-Rochart D, Hernández-Castillo D
8. SPOT: a web-tool enabling swift profiling of transcriptomes.
2021 Dec 22
Farr EB, Sattler JM, Frischknecht F.
9. MDContactCom: a tool to identify differences of protein molecular dynamics from two MD simulation trajectories in terms of interresidue contacts.
2021 Dec 22
Motono C, Yanagida S, Sato M
10. Refget: standardized access to reference sequences.
2021 Dec 22
Yates AD, Adams J, Chaturvedi S
11. D-MANOVA: fast distance-based multivariate analysis of variance for large-scale microbiome association studies.
2021 Dec 22
Chen J, Zhang X.
12. Structure-aware protein-protein interaction site prediction using deep graph convolutional network.
2021 Dec 22
Yuan Q, Chen J, Zhao H
13. OPUS-X: an open-source toolkit for protein torsion angles, secondary structure, solvent accessibility, contact map predictions and 3D folding.
2021 Dec 22
Xu G, Wang Q, Ma J.
14. A de novo protein structure prediction by iterative partition sampling, topology adjustment and residue-level distance deviation optimization.
2021 Dec 22
Liu J, Zhao KL, He GX
15. DeepSec: a deep learning framework for secreted protein discovery in human body fluids.
2021 Dec 22
Shao D, Huang L, Wang Y
16. ezGeno: an automatic model selection package for genomic data analysis.
2021 Dec 22
Lin JL, Hsieh TT, Tung YA
17. DAMA: a method for computing multiple alignments of protein structures using local structure descriptors.
2021 Dec 22
Daniluk P, Oleniecki T, Lesyng B.
18. Deep learning-based classification of breast cancer cells using transmembrane receptor dynamics.
2021 Dec 22
Kim M, Hong S, Yankeelov TE
19. Co-evolutionary distance predictions contain flexibility information.
2021 Dec 22
Schwarz D, Georges G, Kelm S
20. FlowGrid enables fast clustering of very large single-cell RNA-seq data.
2021 Dec 22
Fang X, Ho JWK.
21. BioVLAB-Cancer-Pharmacogenomics: tumor heterogeneity and pharmacogenomics analysis of multi-omics data from tumor on the cloud.
2021 Dec 22
Park S, Lee D, Kim Y
22. MutaFrame-an interpretative visualization framework for deleteriousness prediction of missense variants in the human exome.
2021 Dec 22
Ancien F, Pucci F, Vranken W
23. DisoLipPred: accurate prediction of disordered lipid-binding residues in protein sequences with deep recurrent networks and transfer learning.
2021 Dec 22
Katuwawala A, Zhao B, Kurgan L.
24. Precise estimation of residue relative solvent accessible area from Cα atom distance matrix using a deep learning method.
2021 Dec 22
Gao J, Zheng S, Yao M
25. ProteinEvolverABC: coestimation of recombination and substitution rates in protein sequences by approximate Bayesian computation.
2021 Dec 22
Arenas M.
26. Multi-omics data integration by generative adversarial network.
2021 Dec 22
Ahmed KT, Sun J, Cheng S
27. coronaSPAdes: from biosynthetic gene clusters to RNA viral assemblies.
2021 Dec 22
Meleshko D, Hajirasouliha I, Korobeynikov A.
28. A span-based joint model for extracting entities and relations of bacteria biotopes.
2021 Dec 22
Zuo M, Zhang Y.
29. Manifold alignment for heterogeneous single-cell multi-omics data integration using Pamona.
2021 Dec 22
Cao K, Hong Y, Wan L.
30. A cross-level information transmission network for hierarchical omics data integration and phenotype prediction from a new genotype.
2021 Dec 22
He D, Xie L.
31. Using high-throughput multi-omics data to investigate structural balance in elementary gene regulatory network motifs.
2021 Dec 22
Zenere A, Rundquist O, Gustafsson M
32. ModPhred: an integrative toolkit for the analysis and storage of nanopore sequencing DNA and RNA modification data.
2021 Dec 22
Pryszcz LP, Novoa EM.
33. Python interfaces for the Smoldyn simulator.
2021 Dec 22
Singh D, Andrews SS.
34. Optimal linkage disequilibrium splitting.
2021 Dec 22
Privé F.
35. mTAGs: taxonomic profiling using degenerate consensus reference sequences of ribosomal RNA genes.
2021 Dec 22
Salazar G, Ruscheweyh HJ, Hildebrand F
36. pKPDB: a protein data bank extension database of pKa and pI theoretical values.
2021 Dec 22
Reis PBPS, Clevert DA, Machuqueiro M.
37. Swarm v3: towards tera-scale amplicon clustering.
2021 Dec 22
Mahé F, Czech L, Stamatakis A
38. MomentClosure.jl: automated moment closure approximations in Julia.
2021 Dec 22
Sukys A, Grima R.
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