期刊文献 > Bioinformatics期刊 选择月份
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2021 Aug (26)
2021 Jul (110)
2021 Jun (82)
2021 May (165)
2021 Apr (68)
2021 Mar (35)
2021 Feb (47)
2021 Jan (68)
1. netAE: semi-supervised dimensionality reduction of single-cell RNA sequencing to facilitate cell labeling.
2021 Apr 9
Dong Z, Alterovitz G.
2. Machine Boss: rapid prototyping of bioinformatic automata.
2021 Apr 9
Silvestre-Ryan J, Wang Y, Sharma M
3. Network-guided search for genetic heterogeneity between gene pairs.
2021 Apr 9
Gumpinger AC, Rieck B, Grimm DG; International Headache Genetics Consortium; Borgwardt K.
4. Early Cancer Detection from Genome-wide Cell-free DNA Fragmentation via Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm and Support Vector Machine.
2021 Apr 9
Liu L, Chen X, Wong KC.
5. A decoupled, modular and scriptable architecture for tools to curate data platforms.
2021 Apr 8
Langenstein M, Hermjakob H, Llinares MB.
6. GAMIBHEAR: whole-genome haplotype reconstruction from Genome Architecture Mapping data.
2021 Apr 8
Markowski J, Kempfer R, Kukalev A
7. MicroCellClust: mining rare and highly specific subpopulations from single-cell expression data.
2021 Apr 8
Gerniers A, Bricard O, Dupont P.
8. mzRAPP - A tool for reliability assessment of data pre-processing in non-targeted metabolomics.
2021 Apr 7
El Abiead Y, Milford M, Salek RM
9. HierCC: A multi-level clustering scheme for population assignments based on core genome MLST.
2021 Apr 6
Zhou Z, Charlesworth J, Achtman M.
10. HPOFiller: identifying missing protein-phenotype associations by graph convolutional network.
2021 Apr 6
Liu L, Mamitsuka H, Zhu S.
11. glmGamPoi: fitting Gamma-Poisson generalized linear models on single cell count data.
2021 Apr 5
Ahlmann-Eltze C, Huber W.
12. Obelisc: an identical-by-descent mapping tool based on SNP streak.
2021 Apr 5
Sonehara K, Okada Y.
13. The Minimum Information about a Molecular Interaction CAusal STatement (MI2CAST).
2021 Apr 5
Touré V, Vercruysse S, Acencio ML
14. ProDy 2.0: Increased Scale and Scope after 10 Years of Protein Dynamics Modelling with Python.
2021 Apr 5
Zhang S, Krieger JM, Zhang Y
15. Novel SARS-CoV-2 encoded small RNAs in the passage to humans.
2021 Apr 5
Merino GA, Raad J, Bugnon LA
16. A novel systematic approach for cancer treatment prognosis and its applications in oropharyngeal cancer with microRNA biomarkers.
2021 Apr 29
He S, Lian C, Thorstad W
17. Identification of cell-type-specific marker genes from co-expression patterns in tissue samples.
2021 Apr 27
Qiu Y, Wang J, Lei J
18. COBRAC: a fast implementation of convex biclustering with compression.
2021 Apr 27
Yi H, Huang L, Mishne G
19. Cooperative Sequence Clustering and Decoding for DNA Storage System with Fountain Codes.
2021 Apr 27
Jeong J, Park SJ, Kim JW
20. TIMEx: tumor-immune microenvironment deconvolution web-portal for bulk transcriptomics using pan-cancer scRNA-seq signatures.
2021 Apr 26
Xie M, Lee K, Lockhart JH
21. Atomic-level evolutionary information improves protein-protein interface scoring.
2021 Apr 26
Quignot C, Granger P, Chacón P
22. Protlego: A Python package for the analysis and design of chimeric proteins.
2021 Apr 26
Ferruz N, Noske J, Höcker B.
23. FuSe: a tool to move RNA-Seq analyses from chromosomal/gene loci to functional grouping of mRNA transcripts.
2021 Apr 20
Gupta R, Schrooders Y, Verheijen M
24. GraphQA: protein model quality assessment using graph convolutional networks.
2021 Apr 20
Baldassarre F, Menéndez Hurtado D, Elofsson A
25. VIDHOP, viral host prediction with deep learning.
2021 Apr 20
Mock F, Viehweger A, Barth E
26. Hive Panel Explorer: an interactive network visualization tool.
2021 Apr 20
Perez SEI, Hahn AS, Krzywinski M
27. Rtpca: an R package for differential thermal proximity coaggregation analysis.
2021 Apr 20
Kurzawa N, Mateus A, Savitski MM.
28. SCORE: Smart Consensus Of RNA Expression-a consensus tool for detecting differentially expressed genes in bacteria.
2021 Apr 20
Wolf SA, Epping L, Andreotti S
29. The optimal discovery procedure for significance analysis of general gene expression studies.
2021 Apr 20
Bass AJ, Storey JD.
30. LBERT: Lexically aware Transformer-based Bidirectional Encoder Representation model for learning universal bio-entity relations.
2021 Apr 20
Warikoo N, Chang YC, Hsu WL.
31. Integrating genomic correlation structure improves copy number variations detection.
2021 Apr 20
Luo X, Qin F, Cai G
32. BSAseq: an interactive and integrated web-based workflow for identification of causal mutations in bulked F2 populations.
2021 Apr 20
Wang L, Lu Z, Regulski M
33. pyGenomeTracks: reproducible plots for multivariate genomic datasets.
2021 Apr 20
Lopez-Delisle L, Rabbani L, Wolff J
34. GeoMine: interactive pattern mining of protein-ligand interfaces in the Protein Data Bank.
2021 Apr 20
Diedrich K, Graef J, Schöning-Stierand K
35. HATK: HLA analysis toolkit.
2021 Apr 20
Choi W, Luo Y, Raychaudhuri S
36. DysRegSig: an R package for identifying gene dysregulations and building mechanistic signatures in cancer.
2021 Apr 20
Li Q, Dai W, Liu J
37. Inferring cancer progression from Single-Cell Sequencing while allowing mutation losses.
2021 Apr 20
Ciccolella S, Ricketts C, Soto Gomez M
38. minMLST: machine learning for optimization of bacterial strain typing.
2021 Apr 20
Cohen S, Rokach L, Motro Y
39. ResiRole: residue-level functional site predictions to gauge the accuracies of protein structure prediction techniques.
2021 Apr 20
Toth JM, DePietro PJ, Haas J
40. A semi-supervised learning framework for quantitative structure-activity regression modelling.
2021 Apr 20
Watson O, Cortes-Ciriano I, Watson JA.
41. UEP: an open-source and fast classifier for predicting the impact of mutations in protein-protein complexes.
2021 Apr 20
Amengual-Rigo P, Fernández-Recio J, Guallar V.
42. Customized de novo mutation detection for any variant calling pipeline: SynthDNM.
2021 Apr 2
Lian A, Guevara J, Xia K
43. AMICI: High-Performance Sensitivity Analysis for Large Ordinary Differential Equation Models.
2021 Apr 2
Fröhlich F, Weindl D, Schälte Y
44. CRAFT: Compact genome Representation toward large-scale Alignment-Free daTabase.
2021 Apr 19
Lu YY, Bai J, Wang Y
45. Triplet-based similarity score for fully multilabeled trees with poly-occurring labels.
2021 Apr 19
Ciccolella S, Bernardini G, Denti L
46. Unsupervised protein embeddings outperform hand-crafted sequence and structure features at predicting molecular function.
2021 Apr 19
Villegas-Morcillo A, Makrodimitris S, van Ham RCHJ
47. Co-phosphorylation networks reveal subtype-specific signaling modules in breast cancer.
2021 Apr 19
Ayati M, Chance MR, Koyutürk M.
48. Discovering a sparse set of pairwise discriminating features in high-dimensional data.
2021 Apr 19
Melton S, Ramanathan S.
49. Scalable machine learning-assisted model exploration and inference using Sciope.
2021 Apr 19
Singh P, Wrede F, Hellander A.
50. treeheatr: an R package for interpretable decision tree visualizations.
2021 Apr 19
Le TT, Moore JH.
51. Uncovering antibody cross-reaction dynamics in influenza A infections.
2021 Apr 19
Hernandez-Mejia G, Hernandez-Vargas EA.
52. Large-scale entity representation learning for biomedical relationship extraction.
2021 Apr 19
Sänger M, Leser U.
53. The Russian Drug Reaction Corpus and neural models for drug reactions and effectiveness detection in user reviews.
2021 Apr 19
Tutubalina E, Alimova I, Miftahutdinov Z
54. A statistical approach for tracking clonal dynamics in cancer using longitudinal next-generation sequencing data.
2021 Apr 19
Vavoulis DV, Cutts A, Taylor JC
55. Deuteros 2.0: peptide-level significance testing of data from hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry.
2021 Apr 19
Lau AM, Claesen J, Hansen K
56. Few shot domain adaptation for in situ macromolecule structural classification in cryoelectron tomograms.
2021 Apr 19
Yu L, Li R, Zeng X
57. UglyTrees: a browser-based multispecies coalescent tree visualizer.
2021 Apr 19
Douglas J.
58. SPDE: A Multi-functional Software for Sequence Processing and Data Extraction.
2021 Apr 12
Xu D, Lu Z, Jin K
59. ASHLEYS: automated quality control for single-cell Strand-seq data.
2021 Apr 1
Eimer C, Sanders AD, Korbel JO
60. Sparse Project VCF: efficient encoding of population genotype matrices.
2021 Apr 1
Lin MF, Bai X, Salerno WJ
61. FL-QSAR: a federated learning-based QSAR prototype for collaborative drug discovery.
2021 Apr 1
Chen S, Xue D, Chuai G
62. Classification and review of free PCR primer design software.
2021 Apr 1
Guo J, Starr D, Guo H.
63. Fast identification of differential distributions in single-cell RNA-sequencing data with waddR.
2021 Apr 1
Schefzik R, Flesch J, Goncalves A.
64. Prioritizing genes for systematic variant effect mapping.
2021 Apr 1
Kuang D, Truty R, Weile J
65. Parallelized calculation of permutation tests.
2021 Apr 1
Ekvall M, Höhle M, Käll L.
66. DeepPurpose: a deep learning library for drug-target interaction prediction.
2021 Apr 1
Huang K, Fu T, Glass LM
67. IMIX: a multivariate mixture model approach to association analysis through multi-omics data integration.
2021 Apr 1
Wang Z, Wei P.
68. Metagenome SNP calling via read-colored de Bruijn graphs.
2021 Apr 1
Alipanahi B, Muggli MD, Jundi M
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